Arduino library for the Nextion displays.
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Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
oCINextionCallbackInterface for classes that handle callbacks from a display device
|\CNextionCallbackFunctionHandlerEvent handler for function pointers
oCINextionWidgetAbstract class for all UI widgets
|oCINextionColourableInterface for widgets that can be coloured
||oCNextionButtonRepresents a basic button widget
||oCNextionCheckboxRepresents a checkbox
||oCNextionDualStateButtonRepresents a dual state button widget
||oCNextionGaugeRepresents a gauge widget/
||oCNextionNumberRepresents a number widget
||oCNextionProgressBarRepresents a progress bar widget
||oCNextionRadioButtonRepresents a basic button widget
||oCNextionSliderRepresents a slider widget
||oCNextionSlidingTextRepresents a sliding text widget
||oCNextionTextRepresents a text widget
||\CNextionWaveformRepresents a waveform widget
|oCINextionFontStyleableInterface for widgets that can have their fonts styled
||oCNextionButtonRepresents a basic button widget
||oCNextionNumberRepresents a number widget
||oCNextionSlidingTextRepresents a sliding text widget
||\CNextionTextRepresents a text widget
|oCINextionNumericalValuedInterface for widgets that store a numerical value
||oCINextionBooleanValuedInterface for widgets that store a boolean value
|||oCNextionCheckboxRepresents a checkbox
|||oCNextionDualStateButtonRepresents a dual state button widget
|||\CNextionRadioButtonRepresents a basic button widget
||oCNextionGaugeRepresents a gauge widget/
||oCNextionNumberRepresents a number widget
||oCNextionProgressBarRepresents a progress bar widget
||oCNextionSliderRepresents a slider widget
||\CNextionVariableNumericRepresents a numeric variable
|oCINextionStringValuedInterface for widgets that hold a string value
||oCNextionButtonRepresents a basic button widget
||oCNextionSlidingTextRepresents a sliding text widget
||oCNextionTextRepresents a text widget
||\CNextionVariableStringRepresents a string variable
|oCINextionTouchableInterface for widgets that can be touched
||oCNextionButtonRepresents a basic button widget
||oCNextionCheckboxRepresents a checkbox
||oCNextionCropRepresents a cropped picture widget
||oCNextionDualStateButtonRepresents a dual state button widget
||oCNextionGaugeRepresents a gauge widget/
||oCNextionHotspotRepresents a hotspot widget
||oCNextionNumberRepresents a number widget
||oCNextionPictureRepresents a full size picture widget
||oCNextionProgressBarRepresents a progress bar widget
||oCNextionRadioButtonRepresents a basic button widget
||oCNextionSliderRepresents a slider widget
||oCNextionSlidingTextRepresents a sliding text widget
||oCNextionTextRepresents a text widget
||oCNextionTimerRepresents a timer
||\CNextionWaveformRepresents a waveform widget
|\CNextionPageRepresents a page of widgets
oCITouchableListItemLinked list node for INextionTouchable objects
\CNextionDriver for a physical Nextion device